
Frequently Asked Questions.

  1. Estimated rental charges can be calculated on our car rental/rent a car page. Proceed with booking and it will give an estimate before you have to confirm the booking.
  2. Yes, we allow our cars to go to St. John and here is the ferry schedules to St. John.
  3. All cars are automatic transmission.

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Welcome to Budget Rent A Car St. Thomas, St. John USVI

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Budget Rent A Car
St. Thomas | St. John USVI

Outstanding service for more than 40 years.

Budget Rent A Car is based in St. Thomas and also service Saint John USVI. Budget has been providing the U.S. Virgin Islands with outstanding service for more than 40 years. American citizens don't need a passport to come to the US Virgin Islands. A valid driver's license would suffice. Please remember we drive on the left. And yes, you can take your rental car on the car ferry to St. John, US Virgin Islands.

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